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My Work

Scouting For Nerds

To design and physically produce a zine, a conceptual brief that was produced as part of one of my university modules.


Brief Provided

Design and create three identical A5 Zines, each paired and packaged with an accompanying poster. It is important to choose a subject/s that will continue to inspire you, something you know nothing about may prove more rewarding than the familiar. Remember that obvious, mainstream topics are likely to have been done before, with better resources and more time, so choose an unusual, unlikely subject.


My Concept

I decided that I wanted to do my zine on scouting because I have been a part of the organisation since I was about seven. Scouting has been a huge part of my life and one of the largest contributing factors to my personality and who I am today. With my zine, I want to celebrate Scouting and its importance to young people and how it has been important to me.


The zine targets people aged between the ages of 25 and 60, those who volunteer as part of the organisation or those who might be interested in getting involved. It primarily targets a male audience as in my experience I have found that most volunteers tend to be male. I have found that most volunteers tend to have a job working in computing. I believe this is because scouting is the polar opposite to their job so is an escape.

The first physical book I have produced

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